• Music Appreciation Tour

Tour Time can partner with you to design a Music Appreciation tour that will thrill and excite; touring through the famous concert halls of UK/Europe or closer to home.

Your tour will be hosted by a “Music Maestro” who will share their knowledge, not only of the music but of the wonderful concert venues and their history. Your tour host and tour leader will remain with you 24/7. A local guide will always accompany you and all concerts etc. will be pre-arranged for you.

A good place to start is beautiful Vienna with sights such as Holburg Palace, the impressive State Opera, and the recently renovated Saint Stephen’s Cathedral where there are many evening concerts held. A visit to the Bosendorfer Piano Factory, for an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour to learn about the 6-year process it takes to craft each grand piano. A guided tour of the Central Cemetery of Vienna – see the graves of many famous musicians such as Beethoven, Salieri, Schubert and Brahms; an audio tour of Schönbrunn Palace; attend a concert at the Musikverein, Konzerthaus or Staatsoper Wien. Vienna – home to the famous Vienna Boys Choir.

Salsburg is a must stop to see Mozart’s Birthplace and some of the Sound of Music sights. The local choir, Chord’Accord has a unique soundpainting performance followed by a talk from their conductor, Anita Biebl.

Prague is calling; a concert at the Rudolfinum Concert Hall, the Municipal House, or the famous Smetana Concert hall. Of course all of these wonderful visits and concerts are dispersed with leisure time and sightseeing in these beautiful and historic places.

Dresden; rich in art and architecture, an historic city where many a composer has lived and performed.

Leipzig, follow the trails of world known musicians like Johann-Sebastian Bach, Felix Mendelssohn-Bartoldy, Robert & Clara Schumann and visit St. Thomas Church where Johann-Sebastian Bach worked. Visit the house of Robert and Clara Schumann, where you can enjoy an expert-led guided tour and a 30min concert. In the evening attend a concert at the Gewandhaus Leipzig Concert Hall.

Berlin beckons. En-route stop in Lutherstadt Wittenberg, a University town known for its close ties to Martin Luther, leader of the Protestant Reformation. Visit Berlin Memorial Wall and the famous Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtnis Church and enjoy an exclusive private tour of the organ by the official church organist. A guided tour of the famous Konzerthaus Berlin of Berliner Philarmonie. Hopefully the concert schedule provides a concert there for us.

Hamburg; our last tour destination concert. What an incredible architectural building for a concert – The Elbphilharmonie Concert Hall in Hamburg.

Music certainly is an international language. Learn more about our special interest tours here.

Choir tours are some of our favourite tours to org Choir tours are some of our favourite tours to organise at Tour Time, not least because we get to plan amazing experiences like Fortissimo at Dilworth has just had - a workshop with Paul Mealor (LVO CStJ FRSA FRSE CLJ FLSW), at the King’s Chapel of the Savoy. Talk about #momentsthatmatter!

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